Monday, 26 November 2007

Rodney Marsh and John Barnes

both on the sharp end of democracy's tedium, on the same night. How's about that for a coincidence?
In case you live on another planet, out of the UK, don't own a telly, or spend much time in front of the thought substitute box then a little explanation. John Barnes (a naturalised Jamaican best known for dazzling form on the wing for Liverpool, and less so for his country, a bit like most the current England squad) has been on Strictly Come Dancing. Reality show cum primetime light entertainment extravaganza where fading celebs shimmy in a grandiose dance off. And the public vote to keep their favourites in the show. Rodney Marsh (an Englishman best known for his bruising displays for club and country, and witless commentary) has been on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!. A rainforest themed medieval dungeon with celebrities and premium rate phone line voting. The public lost faith in both these ex-footballers simultaneously it seems. Maybe a subconscious backlash from England's European failure.
I imagine Rodney and John meeting in the grey hades like limbo between Telly and the Real World, and stopping for a chat.

"Rodney, you got voted out too!"
"That's right John- the public have spoken."
"You look thirsty after being in the jungle Rodney. Would you like some isotonic lucozade- it gets rid of your thirst. FAST."
"thanks John. I'd forgotten that existed. Its weird here in limbo innit?"

All a bit Beckett meets the 3am girls this.

I'm off for a coffee...

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