Wednesday, 28 November 2007

The Champions

Cristian Ronaldo may well look like the sort of guy you would avoid on holiday but nevermind. That goal of his last night was sublime. This got me thinking- how nice it would be if Ronaldo played for Lisbon. A player of his talent playing for his home side. Having spent some time in Argentina I can tell you that this is why it is so great to watch Boca Juniors. The connection the players have with the fans, and the sense of shared passion. Everyone is banging this drum right now, from the bloke down the pub right up to Platini and I hope the Premiership pick up on its beat. No-one really expects them to put cap foreign players, no-one really expects overnight changes, no-one really expects them to spend more money in the long run. Nearly everyone though would like to see more local lads playig for local teams. And all this will take is just a bit more investment in coaching at the grassroots level. If the big 4 start the rest will follow. And that, I promise, is the last time I mention the matter for a while. Even I am bored of it now.

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