Thursday, 12 June 2008

Ronaldo and 104 nurses:

According to recent press reports Man Utd are willing to sell Ronaldo for £75 million pounds. To but this into context £75, or a cheap new telly, is 0.0001% of £75million. Put another way £75 x 2=£150 which is roughly the pre-tax monthlysalary of a nurse in Argentina, if that nurse works in a public hospital. So Ronaldo's value as a raw footballing commodity is worth 50,000 months of labour of a fully qualified nurse. Considering that nurses work maybe for 480 months over a lifetime Ronaldo is valued at 104 nurses working for their entire working lives-before he even kicks a ball for Real Madrid.

I shall honourably leave you all to deduce your own moral or political conclusions from all this, that is if I have got my math more or less right.

[insert naughty nurse picture here]


Jason said...

Chris, I love it! I was writing on the "would pay for X teachers / nurses" motif with re: to UK Green Party policy documents. Is always this device that is hard to argue against, eg: "morally indefensible to spend on X, rather than on nurses/teachers..."

I was proposing instead that we diversified and military spending was quantified as "X thousand rollercoasters could be built in England and Wales" or "would buy every man woman and child in UK 400 fags and a case of beer"

But, keep going! What you miss out here is that Real have privately said that they can make more than 500 million UK pounds from Ronaldo, so he will not get much more of a cut than your usual worker, we're just dealing with far bigger sums.

By the way, reinstating BookArmor link to you.

Chris Paul said...

I did not make a moral judgement. I left that to the reader. I just stated the bare facts!

If Real said it "privately" how do you know they said it at all? unless of course you have an inside source.

If I were to state my opinion on all this it would not be the somehow that money can be re-directed like the 'build 20 hospitals' briagde - but that the logic of the market, that makes such sums possible, is inherently flawed and in need of rethinking.

Jason said...

Ok, by your own logic, the salary of an Argentine nurse just arose spontaneously, and matching the salary of a sportsperson vs what a nurse would get carries no ideological weight, given that one is seen as unessential, the other saves lives, etc, labours in obscurity. It's a well-worn tactic and one that works well, (better than rollercoasters)

Hmm, private deliberations can be reported, as in, the sentence "Me and Chris had a private conversation" - that is not illogical, it just means that the fact of the private conversation is noted, just as somebody may say to a group, "I will speak to each of you privately".

The last point I would agree with. However, it might be better to adopt more of a football-style shop window for nurses, (to use your example), so that they can become workers as well-rewarded for their efforts as football players. Televise operations and make stars of them.

Jason said...

If i'd said 'secret' rather than 'private', you'd have a point to your snark!

Jason said...

After today's performance by Ronaldo, Man U should take the money!

It was not his finest hour.