Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Best Travelling Fans

anyone can tell you that Man City have the most fortress like stats this season- this is no small part no doubt due to their fans. Well done fans. But which team has the best travelling support?

Now to work this out it is no good looking just the number of away wins- as this only favours the top 4 who traditionally win more games away. But instead to look at the number of games won away while lost at home. Like away away difference if you like. On this basis Portsmouth enjoy the best travelling support.

This has a flip side- Pompey may have the best travelling support but oddly following this pattern they have the worst worst home support too- as Portsmouth have won more games away than at home this season. How can this be?

All goes to prove that making judgments based on the strength of statistics is a risky business. Lies, damn lies and all that.

1 comment:

Jason said...

A statistical analysis would be needed, quantifying the number of away fans required to secure a victory for example.

You could then come up with a formulation like "Newcastle require 3.2 times the average fan in order to secure an away victory..." and so on.

This would be along the lines of the Bill Hicks observation that as the allies lost 80 odd men in Gulf War I, then would they have won if they only sent 81...