Monday, 19 May 2008

Found in a disused barn somewhere in the

Whirral Valley- Cherie Blair's Actual Diaries:

"When I first met Tony we were at a party. I will not tell you whose party, as she does not speak her name. It was the annual festival known as the gathering of the acolytes. I met two men. Denny and Tony. Denny spent the evening drunk, drenched is his own cognac, aftershave, and bluster. Tony was increasingly amorous. We slipped out the back and took the bus home. He whispered to me, "I wish to destroy socialism, are you game love?" and how we cackled. Intoxicated in the banal ambition that shaped us, the post fascist future we imagined after thatcher, seeded in the name of the left, we fucked like hounds all night, he even got stuck in me, I've grinned this way ever since. He made my clit throb like Babylonia, as a multiheaded whore, envisioning the blood caked over his hands, his face, his tongue and teeth, oily blood, a nation in flames, a people in fear, whole towns erased in the lies we could unleash together, hypocrisy and mutilation flavoured. Chuckled on the daily role call as we made millions on the back of secret hedge funds, and played out triumphal hedonism as the property markets supported our horrid boon. We were so sure of ourselves, our gifts and charms. Made real in the dead of an American night, when we gathered to the sound of drums and bleating, and knelt to dumbassed starspangle, lord of the flies, head of goat, cock of horse, tail of a lizard, prehensile proportions, disguised in wide brim suits and body armour. We sucked his cock. He prayed together. We became friends. He offered his assurances. Unleash the inferno on his chosen country, and the good times roll. Sleep on a mattress of vile profits, and the world will blink, then forget, most of them. Never mind the Rubicon, or the infants headless in the Bosporus. It would be Tony and I forever, like a political posh and becks, in the stars, encapsulated in hypnotic lucerferic half light, forever. I am laughing at you all.

She then writes a bit about football.

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